A Nice Adventure

Hi, Starter here!

I'm here to talk to you about my game: Light Halo. I realeased this game the 28 june 2020 for the United Game Jam 2020.

This Game Jam was really fun and the theme was really nice! This was my first jam and it was a lot of fun!

During the making of the game there were a few problems...:

First, we aren't good at art.. so we decided to stay simple and do the art in black and white ^-^.

Then my friend was a beginner and doesn't know how to use the game engine.. so I've done everything myself!

Finally the musics... we really suck at making music.... but fortunately one of the members of my familly is a musician so.... we asked !!

The game finally came out without any trouble (except some little bugs ^^).  We hope you (will) enjoy(ed) it!!

Thank's to everyone!

Get Light Halo

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